August 18, 2014 Meeting

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"Make success a habit." That was the message Toastmaster Chris shared with us at Monday's meeting. The theme was "Self-Motivation," and it was inspired by the book, The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg. Chris told the story of when he first became a children's soccer coach. It felt like a chore at first and didn't get easier until it became a habit, part of his weekly routine. Then, it became something he looked forward to. Anything new can feel challenging or take extra effort until it becomes a habit, even attending weekly (awesome) meetings of Toastmasters.

Bahman was our first speaker, and he encouraged us to be aware of our credit score and take steps to make it better. One of his tips? Don't open new lines of credit or make large purchases just before getting a loan. You can read more in his book, Credit Score: Tips and Tricks.

Susan's speech was about doing all that you can. Her 4 suggestions for this were

1. Man the Plan - Get clear on what your plan is.
2. Squawk the Talk - Tell others what your plan is so they can hold you accountable.
3. Clock the Walk - Take time to follow your plan and to enjoy life.
4. Love the Dove - Spread peace and encouragement along the way.

Our third speaker, Brian, kept us laughing throughout his speech about his attempts to upgrade his DVD player. He follows the "buy and hold" philosophy, hanging onto outdated electronics as long as they still work. When verring from his usual tactics and going to buy a new BlueRay player, his hours of "analysis paralysis" were wasted when he realized he couldn't plug his new BlueRay player into his outdated television. Better luck next time, Brian!

Thank you to our Area Governor, Dell, and his assistant, Tanya, for visiting our club this week! We loved having Marie and Kaylee visit us as well!

Start prepping for the club contest September 15th! You can contact Mickey to sign up for the Evaluation or Humorous Speech Contests. Let this contest actuate (word of the day) you to improve your speaking skills!

Remember to make success a habit by joining us for the next Preston Persuaders meeting!

Ribbon Winners

Best Speaker: Bahman
Best Evaluator: Durai
Best of the Big 3: Chris
Best Table Topics Speaker: Mickey
5-Star Helper: Stephanie
Sparkplug: Brian