January 28th, 2019
by Mario Munoz |
Clarity was our Theme for January 28th meeting
by Mario Munoz |
Clarity was our Theme for January 28th meeting
by Mario Munoz |
When you're getting old was the theme this week. We had more guests and inducted 2 past members along with a new member.
by Mario Munoz |
Our January 14th meeting we had a fantastic turnout with 2 guests attending and interested in joining. Our theme was be fearless in 2019 and ballsy was the word of the day.
by Mario Munoz |
Hello 2019 was our theme this week for our first meeting of the year. Resolve was the word of the day. We had fun discussing our one word for the year, and hearing hilarious speeches.
by Mario Munoz |
New Beginnings was the theme for our last meeting of the year. Contemporary was the word of theday. An incredible year for us at Preston Persuaders filled with amazing stories, camaraderie, growth and support. We look forward to new opportunities in 2019.
by Mario Munoz |
Our theme this week was "The Power of Words" and cognizance as the word of the day. We had 4 fantastic speeches with our newest member giving his Ice Breaker. I proposed the one word challenge for PPTM members. Instead of setting a new years resolution, come up with one word that will encompass everything you want to accomplish in the new year.
by Mario Munoz |
Our theme this week was "The Power of Words" and cognizance as the word of the day. We had 4 fantastic speeches with our newest member giving his Ice Breaker. I proposed the one word challenge for PPTM members. Instead of setting a new years resolution, come up with one word that will encompass everything you want to accomplish in the new year.
by Mario Munoz |
We are all connected was the theme for our Dec 3rd meeting. Intertwined was the word of the day. We had wonderful speeches and fantastic participation. Best of winners from left to right:
by Mario Munoz |
Thanksgiving Weekend was the theme for this week's meeting. Members shared how they celebrated Thanksgiving. Henotic, the word of the day meaning peace and unity, was felt throughout the meeting. Best of winners from left to right:
by Mario Munoz |
Fall is fabulous because...was our theme this week with wiggle as the word of the day. We enjoyed our new meeting location with wonderful speeches, table topics, evaluations and participation.